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Bruce checking on the winter crops......


Bruce is growing well and after a fairly dry summer even for us in Norsewood, where we get an average rainfall of 1500mm a year. Our crops (Swede and Kale mix) are finally starting to show some good base, we do have one crop that could look better but we put in a large amount and with supporting paddocks we locked up for grass, plenty of hay and silage cut. We should be alright, its always hard to estimate how much you will need and how cold and hard the winter will be. So we always try and over estimate to be on the safe side.

Good conditioned cows that are well fed can cope a bit better with the colder temperatures and shelter from the cutting winds is essential. The ladies will also naturally mob together a bit and generate heat they all share. Cows like people have buddies and often we find they are formed right back in the calf pens. The tag colours and numbering system we use let us discover this.


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