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Nitrogen Optimisation.....


With all the publicity in the news I think its important to show there are good farms out there....We are currently sitting at -36 of purchased Nitrogen surplus.

Purchased Nitrogen surplus is the difference between nitrogen put on the farm and nitrogen taken off the farm.


Fertilizer Yes, we soil test regularly, only apply what is needed for that specific block.

Buying in feed No, we produce and grow all our own feed and don't use palm kernel.


Milk Happy well fed content cows produce well and milked once a day.

Crop Our ladies are winter grazed at home to get the best care.

Effluent We milk once a day, irrigate onto specific paddocks and have high draining soil.

Each year our Dairy Supply company produces a Farm Insights Report specific to our farm, I have added a couple of pages of our farms report.

Because we are always constantly trying to improve we have added water saving high pressure hose ends to our cowshed hoses.


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Our blog showcases life on a completely grass based Dairy Farm in New Zealand. Our Milk quality ranks in the top 5% of our milk supply company and our aim is to raise awareness and promote Sustainable and Kind farming practices through sharing our farm life. You can explore our blog by clicking on the following categories and stay updated on our latest initiatives and tips by following us on social media.        

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