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Training Calves on the feeder...


Once there is a big enough group of calves all drinking well, its time to get them drinking on a larger 50 teat feeder and then they can be outside in large grass paddocks. Where they have purpose built North facing calf shelters with river metal bases to drain well and the stones warm up in the daytime. The shelters are long and low to give warmth and protection from the wind and rain.

They start off in a small learner pen, where the calves can easily find the feeder and are helped to latch on to begin with. They learn very quickly and after 3 days, they move to their big grass paddock and they have the feeder left with them for the day and they continue to help themselves to milk, as they eat grass and fresh lucerne baleage topped up daily.

There are 42 calves in the photo above and on a 50 teat feeder, it is easier for them all to drink together without being crowded and stressed trying to find a teat. The feeder holds 500lt of milk which we fill to the brim with fresh farm milk from our cows. This gives our babies the best start in life and they grow healthy and strong quickly.


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